AK Khurana Ophthalmology free pdf download - direct link


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Ophthalmology is a branch of science which deals with diseases of eye and it's related structures. Ophthalmology is a major subject in third year MBBS along with ENT and community medicine.

AK Khurana is a preferred book for Ophthalmology in third year mbbs and also for Pg preparations. The features of this book is it is useful for theory, practical and postgraduate entrance examinations. It has special sections for anatomy, physiology,optics,occular medications and practical ophthalmology.

The first edition of comprehensive Ophthalmology published in 1996.

Salient features of the book:

Every chapter starts with a brief overview with applied anatomy and physiology. The language is simple and the students can easily understand, retain and reproduce it. This book is complete and updated with recent advances. It contains adequate diagrams and clinical photographs for better understanding. It is also loaded with surgical techniques and methods in every chapter. It comes with free review book,which contains latest multiple choice questions.

Contents of the book:


Section 1: Anatomy and Physiology of eye

1) Anatomy and development of eye

2) Physiology of eye and accommodation

Section 2: Optics and Refraction

3) Elementary and physiological optics

4) Errors of refraction & accommodation

Section 3: Diseases of eye

5) Diseases of Conjunctiva

6) Diseases of cornea

7) Diseases of sclera

8) Diseases of uveal tract

9) Diseases of lens

10) Glucoma

11) Diseases of Vitreous

12) Diseases of Retina

13) Neuro Ophthalmology

14) Disorders of ocular motility

15) Disorders of eyelids

16) Diseases of lacrimal apparatus

17) Diseases of orbit

18) Occular injuries

Section 4: Occular therapeutics

19) Ocular pharmacology

20) Laser & cryotherapy

Section 5: Systemic and community Ophthalmology

21) Systemic Ophthalmology

22) Community Ophthalmology

Section 6: Practical ophthalmology

23) Clinical methods

24) Clinical Ophthal cases

25) Darkroom procedure

26) Instruments and operative ophthalmology


About the Author:

AK Khurana MS,FAICO,CTO,head of ophthalmology in PGIMS,Rohtak, India. He has published more than 160 scientific papers in many journals of repute.  He was awarded WHO fellowship for higher studies in Moorfields eye hospital, London. In addition to this he has written many popular books.


AK Khurana Ophthalmology book pdf free download - direct link


Book collections - 3rd year mbbs